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Services with a National Reach
There are lots of organisations who offer perinatal mental health support in local areas across the whole of England. Some of them run phone / text and online support which can be accessed from wherever you are. Please see below for a service that might be right for you.

APNI (Association for Post-Natal Illness)
Online, Telephone
General Perinatal Mental Health Support
APNI is a small charity who offer support and advice to anyone affected by postnatal illness. We run a helpline and online service but no face to face/group work.
APNI is often a first port of call for those struggling to understand PNI and we offer continued support as needed as well as signposting to other useful services in your area.
We have a bank of volunteers who have all experienced PNI themselves and offer peer support via phone/email alongside any professional input they may have.
Referral Process
Anyone can self refer. We get calls from people who have been given our details by their GP, HV, social worker or who have been given our leaflets in hospital, as well as people who simply search the internet and find us.
Contact -
info@apni.org 0207 386 0868
General Perinatal Mental Health Support, Race / Ethnicity / Culture / Faith
Blackmums is a digital platform and community app dedicated to supporting the Black maternal experience through peer connections, resources, and support.
Referral Process
Download the Blackmums app from the App Store or Google Play, or visit www.blackmums.com
Contact -
Hannah's House
Face-to-face, Online
Baby Loss, Race / Ethnicity / Culture / Faith
Hannah’s House is a charity supporting parents and their children through any kind of baby loss. We provide a safe haven for bereaved parents, giving them a place to work through their grief and find hope again. Whether your loss is recent, or some time ago, at Hannah’s House there is room for you here. We offer peer support, one-to-one or group Grief Recovery Method counselling, sibling support bags, birthday party memory kits and online support groups. Our face-to-face support is in Coventry/Warwickshire and our online support is available to anyone in the UK.
Referral Process
To self refer into our service please visit our website and complete the online form
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Kids Matter
General Perinatal Mental Health Support
Kids Matter has volunteers across the country running Babies Matter, a programme to support both expectant parents and those with new babies who are facing disadvantages. Over six sessions, the programme helps parents and carers to build confidence, competence, and community as they welcome their new baby to the world.
Referral Process
Contact the Babies Matter team who will be in touch to have an informal chat and let you know when the next programme is running.
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Mayah's Legacy
Online, Face-to-face
Baby Loss, Neonatal, General Perinatal Mental Health Support
Mayah's Legacy empowers families by providing them with tools to make decisions about their treatment and perinatal care, as well as to explore a hollistic appraoch to their wellbeing.
Our complimentary resource hub is designed to assist families in rebuilding their confidence and actively participating in decisions that impact them. Within this hub, families can freely access webinars, self-advocay toolkits, affirmation cards and variety of other resources aimed at fostering self-compassion during the perinatal period.
Referral Process
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OCD Action
Perinatal OCD, LGBTQIA+, Partners / fathers
OCD Action is the National Charity for people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and related disorders. As part of our range of Skype / Phone & Zoom support groups we run a Perinatal OCD support group for women diagnosed with OCD during pregnancy or with children up to five years of age. These remote groups are an informal, safe and supportive environment for people to share experiences of OCD and to offer encouragement to other people.
Referral Process
To sign up, visit our website, tick the relevant sign-up box for our Perinatal OCD group and input your contact details in the spaces provided. For any further information about our group before you sign up please email or phone us.
Contact -
Sign-up@ebtsupportgroups.co.uk - 0303 040 1112
Face-to-face, Telephone, Online
Baby Loss, Neonatal
Petals provide a specialist counselling service for individuals or couples who experience the loss of a pregnancy or the death of a baby up to one year old. Our unique model delivers a programme of counselling that is tailored to support the client through the early stages of loss, coaching them through a grieving process and working through any trauma they have experienced during the ending of their pregnancy or the death of their baby.
We partner with the following hospitals & Trusts: Colchester Hospital; Guys & St Thomas' Hospital London; Harrogate & District NHS Trust; Hillingdon Hospital; Hinchingbrooke Hospital; Imperial Hospital Trust London; Ipswich Hospital; Lister Hospital Stevenage; Nottingham University Hospitals; Oxford University Hospital Trust; Peterborough City Hospital; Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow; St George’s hospital London (South); West Herts Hospital Trust; West Suffolk Hospital; Wye Valley NHS Trust.
Referral Process
You can complete our referral form on our website. The majority of our referrals come from Health Professionals or patients at our partner hospitals. We are also able to take some self-referrals from across the country but are limited by funding. We will always try our best to signpost you to another relevant service should we not be able to assist directly.
Contact -
counselling@petalscharity.org - 0300 688 0068
Pregnancy in Mind
Face-to-face, Telephone, Online
Partners / fathers, Race / Ethnicity / Culture / Faith, LGBTQIA+, Young parents, Baby Loss
Pregnancy in Mind is a service delivered by the NSPCC which supports parents-to-be with their mental health. Pregnancy in Mind is a preventative mental health service that helps support expectant parents who have or are at risk of mild to moderate anxiety or depression. It uses a range of approaches including mindfulness, active relaxation and peer support. Parents-to-be can be referred to the programme between 12 and 26 weeks gestation.
Those with a prior history of anxiety and / or depression or a family history of mental health problems
Those with a history of childhood adversity (e.g. neglect, abuse etc or having experienced poor parenting themselves)
Those with a lack of social support
Those experiencing a poor relationship quality with their partner
Experiencing an unplanned or unexpected pregnancy
Having experienced prior complications in pregnancy or loss etc
There does not have to be a medical diagnosis of anxiety and / or depression to qualify for support.
Referral Process
To find out more information or make a referral please give us a call on 0127 438 1440.
Contact -
0127 438 1440
Snowdrop Doulas
Face-to-face, Telephone, Online
General Perinatal Mental Health Support
Set up in 2011, following lived experience of perinatal mental illness, Snowdrop Doula CIC was founded to provide holistic support to pregnant women and new mothers. We now provide our award winning service across the UK in various ways. Providing specialist Doula and Counselling support to all in need, regardless of financial situation. Our unique model of support has been shown to improve birth outcomes, health and wellbeing of women and their families. Accredited training available.
Referral Process
We accept self referrals and professional referrals - support@snowdropdoula.co.uk
Contact -
support@snowdropdoula.co.uk - 01282 926 410
The Queer Parenting Partnership
Online, Home visits
LGBTQIA+, Partners / fathers, Baby Loss, Neurodiversity
The Queer Parenting Partnership is dedicated to providing inclusive perinatal education and support to LGBTQ+ families.
We offer workshops, professional training, and carefully designed resources, including an LGBTQ+ inclusive colouring book and diverse imagery that authentically represents our families.
We believe education is the foundation of empowerment. That’s why we train midwives, doulas, and birth workers to ensure inclusive care, challenging outdated norms and advocating for systemic change.
Our coffee mornings and community events provide safe, welcoming spaces where parents and parents-to-be can connect, share experiences, and build lasting friendships.
As a grassroots organisation, every initiative we undertake is powered by passion, dedication, and an unshakable belief in the work that we do. We are more than a service—we are a movement, a community, and a lifeline for LGBTQ+ families.
Referral Process
To join one of our classes, please select the one that works best for your family - you can find out more on our website. Our classes are every second month.
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Action on Postpartum Psychosis
Face-to-face, Telephone, Online
Perinatal Psychosis, Race / Ethnicity / Culture / Faith, Partners / fathers
Action on Postpartum Psychosis is the national charity for women and families affected by psychosis in the perinatal period.
We offer information, resources and peer support via: an online forum; one to one support (email, video, phone & in person); creative workshops and regional social groups.
Our regional social groups are currently being run in Birmingham, Lancashire & South Cumbria, London, North East & North Cumbria, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Sussex & Hampshire, Wales and Yorkshire.
APP also has NHS partnerships in some areas, with embedded peer supporters in perinatal community teams and mother and baby units, along with cafe groups. To find out more about the NHS partnership projects visit this link.
Referral Process
Information about our peer support is here, including an online form you can fill out to request support.
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Dad Matters
Face-to-face, Telephone, Online
Partners / fathers
We support dads and male carers to understand attachment and bonding, theirs and mums' mental health and accessing appropriate services. We do this through a blended approach of universal engagement, targeted group support and one to one peer support. Online support is also available UK-wide.
Referral Process
We have a referral form that needs to be completed. Each local area has its own system, so any enquiries to dadmatters@homestarthost.org.uk will be forwarded to the relevant area for processing and initial contact.
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Hey Mama
Face-to-face, Online
General Perinatal Mental Health Support
Hey Mama is a peer support community run by mums with their own lived experiences of maternal mental health.
If you’re struggling with your mental health, feeling a little wobbly, having a hard time and/or prefer a smaller group to chat to, we are here for you!
We would love for you to join us at one of our peer support groups for refreshments, toys, crafts and opportunities to meet new mamas. All groups are free to attend. We also offer online support to people across the UK.
Referral Process
Any mother struggling with their mental health can come along to our groups in Bradford and Harrogate. We accept referrals from healthcare professionals and mums are also welcome to self refer.
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Maddie's Miracle
Feeding Support
Maddie's Miracle is a charity that offers skilled, qualified, practical breastfeeding support to resolve pain and other feeding challenges for both parent and baby, providing emotional and wellbeing support and reducing mental distress.
A support session may help mothers/parents with breastfeeding anxiety, feelings of lack of confidence, a sense of isolation or loneliness, or breastfeeding grief for mothers who did not feed their baby the way they wished to and are processing their emotions around their experiences.
Our beneficiaries have called our services 'life saving' and cited improved sense of wellbeing, improved mental health and reduced sense of isolation or loneliness.
We provide free online video One-to-One Sessions with trained Breastfeeding Counsellors & Lactation Consultants that are available to anyone living in the UK.
We have a physical in-person breastfeeding support group in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire which also provides emotional support surrounding breastfeeding and infant feeding. This group also encourages parents to build a network of support which is shown to be beneficial to parents’ well-being
Referral Process
We ask that people in need of support send us a message via our Facebook inbox. This inbox is monitored by Breastfeeding Counsellors and Lactation Consultants who can provide direct support via messenger and email and arrange a one-to-one Zoom video session with you.
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My Birth Support CIC
Online, Face-to-face, Podcast
General Perinatal Mental Health Support, Partners / fathers, LGBTQIA+, Baby Loss, Race / Ethnicity / Culture / Faith, Neurodiversity
My Birth Support CIC provides support in and around Canterbury, helping parents to flourish and thrive by offering affordable bespoke childbirth preparation, birth trauma recovery, parenting and infant loss support in groups or 1:1, online or face-to-face. We also tailor specialist support for couples and we have a podcast called 'After My Birth', which offers tools, strategies and top tips to help you come to terms with transition after birth. Everything we offer is on a pay-what-you-can basis.
Referral Process
Our services operate mainly on a self-referral basis and are suitable and available to all with mild to moderate mental health issues and those who support you. You can see current group sessions on the events page of our website and please get in touch by email with any enquiries: aileen@mybirth.org.uk
Contact -
Face-to-face, Telephone, Online
General Perinatal Mental Health Support
PANDAS offer hope, empathy and support for parents affected by perinatal mental illness. PaNDAS is a community offering peer-to-peer support for individuals, families and their networks. There are a variety of different support services available, all run by a trained team of PaNDAS volunteers who are here to help.
Our free helpline is open every day between 11am and 10pm. It is maintained by trained volunteers who will be happy to chat and direct / signpost to the correct support. There is also a text support service which is free and will not appear on any phone bills. You don't need to register, download an app or use mobile data.
Additionally, we have an email service if anyone needs any information or support. The email support team are available 365 days a year.
There's also a number of face-to-face support groups that are led by a group leader and are specifically tailored around mental health equally.
Referral Process
For referrals, use the following number: 11am - 10pm - 0808 1961 776 or email: info@pandasfoundation.org.uk
Contact -
info@pandasfoundation.org.uk - 0808 1961 776
Pregnancy Sickness Support
Telephone, Online
Pregnancy Sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum)
Pregnancy Sickness Support was founded in 2002 and is the only registered UK charity working to improve care, treatment and support for women and pregnant people suffering from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP) and the severe form of the condition, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). We are currently a small charity and rely heavily on donations and fundraising but we are growing rapidly thanks to the hard work and dedication of our small team and supporters.
Referral Process
Sufferers or partners / carers can refer directly to us for support. No need for formal referring for general support. However, there is a short application form for counselling followed by a simple assessment. Find out more here.
Contact -
support@pregnancysicknesssupport.org.uk - 024 7638 2020
Singing Mamas CIC
General Perinatal Mental Health Support
Singing Mamas CIC is a UK based, non-profit movement for maternal wellbeing. Our aim is to empower women and mothers to improve their wellbeing by creating song-sharing communities through our network of Singing Mamas Leaders.
Our network of leaders welcome women of all ages and life stages to come along to a group, incl. mothers, caregivers, aunties, grandmas and non-mothers.
The Singing Mamas Leader network is made up of mothers, nurses, doctors, midwives, birth workers, musicians, teachers and community workers.
We deliver projects in partnership with NHS health services, and train women and health professionals in singing for wellbeing.
Our bespoke Singing Mamas On Prescription (SMOP) programme, often delivered in partnership with a localised health services, supports perinatal women with children up to the age of two years old.
Referral Process
Any woman is welcome to join a Singing Mamas group, please check where your nearest Singing Mamas Leader is based by visiting the link shown below. If you would like to know more about accessing a Singing Mamas On Prescription programme, please contact us at info@singingmamaschoir.com or visit our website to find out what's on.
Contact -
Support ME Maternal Project CIC
Online, Face-to-face
Race / Ethnicity / Culture / Faith
Support ME is a grassroots organisation supporting Polish-speaking and Muslim families to get culturally appropriate and equal maternity care. Our aims are to reduce birth trauma and perinatal mental health conditions and provide infant feeding and postnatal support in the community. We support families, run a unique Doula Training Programme and deliver CPD for healthcare professionals. We also offer free access to our online Bump To Baby antenatal course to Black, Asian and non-native English speakers.
We offer face-to-face support for the Polish community in Newark and the Muslim community in Nottingham. Our online support is available to people from these communities across the UK.
Referral Process
We accept self-referrals and professional referrals either via the contact form on our website, email, or message on Facebook / Instagram. The relevant project lead will then be in touch within five days with information on what support is available.
Contact -
Willow's Rainbow Box
Baby Loss
Willow’s Rainbow Box is a Registered Charity that aims to support women, birthing people and families experiencing pregnancy following a loss through miscarriage, termination, stillbirth or neonatal death. The primary activity is the provision of a comfort box to help reduce anxiety and to promote positive mental health and well-being. These are currently provided England-wide and we also provide online support and resources for people throughout the UK.
Referral Process
People are welcome to email us or fill out the contact form on our website to request a box.
Contact -
Alternative Options
Talk to your healthcare professional about options
If you are currently pregnant or your baby is less than 10 days old, your community midwife will be able help
If your baby is older than 10 days, your health visitor will be able to help
Your GP is available and can also advise on local services and treatment options
Find a different kind of service
There are organisations with different specialisms who may be able to help you at this time. See our page of Additional Services.
Find an NHS Talking Therapy Service
In every area of England, the NHS offers Talking Therapy services, which may support recovery and are accessible to everyone over the age of 18. Click here to find your local service.
For more information about perinatal mental health and explanations about terms and references check our FAQs.