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A photo collage featuring a crying baby in its mum's arms, a calm baby wrapped in a blanket and a man wringing his hands

We know how overwhelming it can be to reach out for help if you are facing challenges to your emotional wellbeing in the perinatal period.

The Hearts and Minds Partnership wants to make it easier for families to identify and access quality grassroots support services in their local communities, so we’ve created a map of England-wide Voluntary, Community & Social Enterprise  (VCSE) sector organisations.

It can be hard to navigate and understand what support is available to you, so we’ve collated information for signposting, especially if there are currently no VCSE services listed in your local area. Visit our map to find out more or check out our Additional Services page.

For more information about perinatal mental health and explanations about terms and references check our FAQs.

Woman sitting on a bed and looking sad or worried
Crisis Advice

Please note that we are not a crisis service so if you feel like you need urgent help, then get in contact with organisations who can support you right now. 

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